Professional Consulting Services

There are growing pressures facing organisations operating in Victoria in the occupational health and safety area. The legislation is complex with compliance requiring greater time and effort from managers and supervisors. In meeting these requirements and the increasing expectations of employees and unions, many companies are seeking to improve their performance in this key area. The benefits of effective strategies can be seen in reduced costs (workers' compensation, product loss, equipment down time, staff replacement) and improved morale and productivity.

In ensuring legal compliance and improved occupational health and safety performance, using external consultants is a cost effective solution. Many organisations are unable to justify the full time employment of professionals. It is in the provision of occupational health and safety expertise to Victorian organisations that I have specialised in the past 13 years.

As a specialist consultant in occupational medicine I currently provide the following services:

For more than 19 years I have worked full time as a specialist in occupational medicine. For the last 13 years I have worked as an independent consultant providing high level specialist expertise to companies and organisations where full time staff undertaking this work is not required. Current and recent clients include:

The consulting services provided are conducted in a professional manner. A critical part of the consulting work is the gaining and maintaining of the respect and confidence of both management and employees. There is considerable flexibility in the arrangements that can be developed between myself and clients to meet the individual company's needs.